

Como Formar Preguntas de Sí/No

Descripción: Aprende como formar preguntas de Sí/No en inglés.


Transcripción del vídeo: Yes/No questions son preguntas en inglés que se pueden contestar con o No como Are you a teacher? Yes -o- Do you live in New York? No. Para formar una pregunta con el verbo to be, tienes que cambiar el orden de la oración. El verbo va primero, y luego le sigue el sujeto - She is a student. Is she a student? Con verbos en el tiempo presente si el sujeto refiere a I, You, We o They usamos Do, luego el sujeto y el verbo en la forma básica. Si el sujeto refiere a He, She, o It, usamos Does, luego el sujeto y el verbo en la forma básica.


to be (ser/estar)
She is a student. → Is she a student?
Tiempo Presente
(I, You, We, They)
They play. → Do they play?

(He, She, It)
He plays. → Does he play?




Selecciona la forma interrogativa de la oración.

1) He is a teacher.

     He is a teacher?

     He a teacher is?

     Is he a teacher?



2) They help the students.

     Is they help the students?

     Do they help the students?

     Does they help the students?



3) She rides a bicycle.

     Do she ride a bicycle?

     Is she ride a bicycle?

     Does she ride a bicycle?



4) The students read the books.

     Do the students read the books?

     Does the students read the books?

     Read the students the books?



5) She cooks the food.

     Does she cook the food?

     Does she cooks the food?

     Does she cooking the food?



6) Sarah drives the car.

     Do Sarah drives the car?

     Do Sarah drive the car?

     Does Sarah drive the car?



7) They are tired.

     Are they tired?

     Do they tired?

     Do they are tired?



8) Mark is a dentist.

     Is Mark a dentist?

     Does Mark is a dentist?

     Do Mark is a dentist?



9) The boys play baseball.

     Does the boys play baseball?

     Do the boys play baseball?

     Is the boys play baseball?



10) Ron walks to school.

     Do Ron walk to school?

     Does Ron walks to school?

     Does Ron walk to school?




Lección Escrita

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¿Quieres más práctica con preguntas de Sí/No?

Inglés Mundial - Como Formar Preguntas en Inglés



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